Got Jesus?


I use to wonder why people felt the need to “advertise” Jesus. As a teenager I remember seeing someone drive by me that had a bumper sticker that said “Got Jesus?” I thought it odd that they felt the need to share it with the world like that. I thought if you really had Jesus you wouldn’t be putting it on a bumper sticker. Looking back now I see that I didn’t understand because I really didn’t know who Jesus is. Now I see it no different then the cross I have on the back of my car sharing that I am a follower of Christ.

If you had asked me then if I “got Jesus” I would have answered yes and I would have believed it with all my heart, but I didn’t. I didn’t know Him. Not really. I was a straight “A” seminary student in high school. I had read the Book of Mormon four times cover to cover by age 17 and had read the Bible cover to cover. I was an active Mormon member. I fulfilled my callings the best I could and strived to meet all my visiting teaching responsibilities. So how is it I didn’t have Jesus?? I was doing everything I was told to do to be close to God.

The simple answer is I was caught up doing good works. Works I thought would bring me justification in Gods eyes for being imperfect. Works that would hopefully bring me closer to Him. Works I thought would please Him. Works that would better me. What I didn’t see was I was missing a relationship with God because I was so focused on my check list. Im sure most people have been there at some point in their life. So focused on the task at hand they miss the bigger picture.

So whats changed you ask? Ive stopped trying to earn my way to heaven. I now know I can’t. I never could. You can’t either for we are sinners and will always be sinners. But heres the good news. Christ died for my sins so that I can be made clean. And I know I can never repay Him for that with my works. Instead I will thank Him and praise Him, and give all glory to His name because He has saved me and has made me clean.

That is why the gospel is the good news. Through faith in Jesus for taking my sins upon Him on the cross I am saved and will have eternal life. Praise and Glory be to God for saving me! My heart will always sing in gratitude for His grace and mercy shown upon me, a sinner. (Romans 10:9-10)

If you were to ask me now if I ‘Got Jesus?’ Id say YES! But this time I would know I do. I have given my life to Jesus. He is my friend, my comfort, my everything. He is transforming me from the inside out and now I want to proclaim His name to the world and worship Him all my days.


  1. Brooke, thank you for sharing your story. It takes courage to write about your beliefs! I’m so glad you and your family have found a deeper faith in Jesus Christ. I, too, have found myself stuck in that “to do list” mode at times, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Once you develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and exchange the false for the real, you’ll never want to go back. You and Trevor are two of my favorite people, and your kids are lucky to have such great parents. May God bless you on your continued walk with Christ.

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